The total FY2024 operating budget* for the University of Illinois System is $7.81 billion.
Where does the money come from?
Student Tuition and Fees
Earnings, Miscellaneous1
State Payments On Behalf
US Grants & Contracts/Federal Appropriations
Auxiliary & Departmental Operations2
State Appropriation
Institutional Funds
Private Gifts
1 e.g. hospital and medical services plans | 2 e.g. bookstores, housing
How is the money spent?
Instructional & Departmental Research
Hospital Operations
Separately Budgeted Research
Academic Support
Extension & Public Service
Auxiliary & Independent Enterprise
Student Aid
Administration and General
Physical Plant
Student Services
* Includes $1.44 billion in payments made on behalf of the system for employee benefits and $45.4 million for the Academic Facilities Maintenance Fund Assessment.
* Rates shown are base, in-state, two-semester rates for entering undergraduate and graduate students. Out-of-state, international, professional, and specific programmatic rates vary. Mandatory fees may vary by program and level. Housing rates vary based on room capacity and meal plans. For detailed information, visit the registrar websites at each university.
The U of I System is committed to holding the line on tuition and fulfilling its land-grant mission of access and affordability. Offering more grants and scholarships, our three universities are committed to widening doors of opportunity to even more talented students.
The Illinois Guarantee
Incoming undergraduate students enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program, including transfer students, receive a four-year guaranteed lock on tuition rates.
Aim High
High-achieving Illinois high school students have the opportunity to have tuition covered at each of the U of I System’s three universities through a combination of state and university funds under the AIM HIGH program.
Transfer Guarantee
Students transferring from an Illinois community college are guaranteed admission into any of the U of I System locations through the U of I System Transfer Guarantee if they meet requirements.